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Meet the heart & soul of Our Yoga Space 

At OYS, we believe our instructors are the heart & soul of this family. Without them, we wouldn't be here. Take some time to get to know them, read their bio's and check them out in studio.

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Giving myself the gift of choosing a career in sharing this practice is one that I will forever be thanking my entire being for. This practice has changed every aspect in my life and continues to do so every day. My wish for you if that this practice brings you the same insight to yourself and your dreams through continuous dedication and commitment.

Our journey to finding inner peace isn’t an easy one but it is one that will bring the outmost contentment in your everyday lives. Our Yoga Space was created to allow you to feel at ‘home’, comfortable, supported and loved so you can move through this journey to self. This community is such a powerful antidote to whatever you may be going through. I hope you find a little slice of ‘home’ in OUR space.

Sweet big things that light up my soul:
Yoga, Coffee, sipping delicious wine with my husband and friends, laughing and playing (and sometimes being annoyed by) my two kiddos: Benji & Busy, our two wild and crazy french bulldogs: Sophie and Hamlet, the coziest of nights at home by the fireplace, coffee dates, anything and everything Oreo, Maui beaches and the salty ocean, all the plants I can get my hands on and of course.. the cherry on top of it all – Our Yoga Space + the community within the walls of this special place.


Lets meet soon and practice together.




I am passionate about learning and embrace every opportunity for growth. In 2017, I embarked on an intensive journey to complete my 300-hour advanced teacher training with Clara Roberts-Oss. This transformative course elevated my practice and teaching, pushing me to new heights. By embodying these teachings, I aim to enhance not only my own life but also the lives of others.

Teaching yoga is a creative outlet for me, and I strive to craft a unique experience in every class through movement, music, themes and food for thought. My goal is to offer yoga in a holistic, empowering, and accessible way, sharing the knowledge I've gained.

Yoga has brought balance to my life physically, mentally, and energetically. I believe it provides the tools we need to navigate life’s challenges and reconnect with our innate wisdom, helping us embrace life's unpleasant moments.

If you're reading this, I'm thrilled that you're interested in bringing yoga into your life. I would be honored to be part of your journey.



500hr YTT, YOGA TEACHER EST. 2012 


Mama. Yoga Instructor. Retreat Host. Wellness Enthusiast.

Born and raised in BC with the heart of a gypsy, passionate about all things that require personal growth and expansion of the heart and mind.

Tara has been sharing her love of wellness since 2012, after taking her first Yoga Teacher Training in Peru, she began building her community locally in Kelowna and internationally through hosting yoga retreats in Nicaragua, Thailand and Croatia. Since 2012, she has taken multiple advanced trainings to continue her learning and is currently almost complete in her 500hr Advanced Training with Eoin Finn of Blissology.

She is passionate about helping others live more intentionally, more fully and more joyfully. She believes in daily practices of nourishing movement, nutrition and adventure to help others feel their best.



200hr YTT, YOGA TEACHER EST. 2014 


I have always found great joy in exploring athletics, from team sports to mountain sports and many endeavours in-between, I have found the challenge, vigor and exhilaration immensely fulfilling. As I began to explore the world of yoga, I fell in love with the integration of movement, breathe, rhythm and flow. For me, yoga is all about being present, aware and open to learning what my body-mind has to teach me.


My greatest gift as a yoga teacher, has been to hold space for others to cultivate more presence, harmony and deep gratitude while on and off the mat. My passion to support others in creating new levels of health and vitality led me to
complete my Naturopathic medical degree in 2020, and embark on the entrepreneurial journey I am on today. I’m jazzed by the confluence of yoga, thepelvic floor and how we can foster a deeper connection with our wild feminine to
blossom into our most radiant selves. I am passionate about learning, growing and connecting with others and am always happy to discuss the latest art and science of health, yoga, food as medicine, and more! 


I hold deep reverence for the beauty of nature, and make it a priority to spend ample time in the mountains, forests, lakes and rivers, soaking up all our precious Earth has to teach me.  I am so honoured to be a part of your journey at OYS, and look forward to personally meeting each of you!



700+ YTT, Yoga Teacher Est. 2012


Hi there! My name is Jill, I am honored to be part of the teaching community here at Our Yoga Space. Since 2004, amongst raising my three children and experiencing this crazy, beautiful life, I have held quite a strong yoga practice and also found some time to dive into several Yoga Teacher Trainings. In January of 2012 I began my teacher training journey with Moksha Yoga, in Brazil. I have since continued my education, studying Yoga Therapy with Susie Hatley, Restorative Yoga with Judith Lassiter, Vinyasa Flow with Seane Corn, PowerFlow (Baptiste Yoga) with Pam Radar, teacher training with Nicki Doane (Maya Yoga), and most recently, Ashtangha Vinyasa Flow training with Geoff Mackenzie from First Light Yoga, Vancouver.

Every class & training I have taken has been an integral part of creating the teacher I am today, however; no teacher, training or book has prepared me more to stand before you more than this human experience of living life! Each class I walk into knowing that it has the capacity to be a transformational journey for each individual; the simple fact that I have the opportunity to help facilitate such an experience is an honour. Any opportunity I have to stand before you in the practice room, I am standing WITH you, with great compassion, love, and deep respect for your personal experience.
I look forward to practicing with and guiding each and every human who walks through these doors.





I discovered yoga as a teenager from the influence of my Mom who is a Kundalini Yogi. Yoga, for me has been a way to find reconnect with myself and embody my connection to the infinite, nature and the cosmos. I love to teach and practice with my whole heart, with playfulness, kindness and integrity.

I encourage students to move with intuition and fullness of breath. My mat has always been my safe space to ground and return to love. I enjoy the study of Ayurveda, yoga philosophy, anatomy and the connection between science and spirituality. Often you will see me upside down in acro or aerial Yoga, drinking out of mason jars, laughing too loudly, painting, making music and spending time with my daughter. I look forward to seeing you in class! 





Hi! I am Anya, a Registered Yoga Teacher (250 hours).
I found yoga as a stressed out University student over twelve years ago, and it continues to offer me countless benefits. I have been teaching since 2019 and feel privileged to share this practice with the Kelowna community.  My goal in each class is to help my students discover new ways of approaching life's challenges, because how we show up on the mat can translate to how we show up off the mat too.  Outside of my yoga life, I am a Certified Clinical Counsellor with a specialization in Grief and Trauma, I strongly believe in the healing benefits of yoga when we can connect mind and body. I have a passion for travel and adventure which has brought me all over the world: I spent five years in the high Arctic, completed my graduate studies in Australia, and in 2019 I took Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga Teacher Training in Malta. Students will find my classes offer compassionate space for quiet reflection, strength-building postures, and the invitation to try something new. I can't wait to hold space for you at Our Yoga Space.





My Yoga journey began while playing college volleyball for five years in Lloydminster, Alberta. When I began practicing yoga it was strictly for the physical benefits, but it didn’t take long before realizing that yoga  goes beyond the physical realm. I began to experience the magic that lies in the breath and I was fascinated by the capabilities of the human body. As the layers of the practice continued to unfold, I started to fall in love. In 2016 I decided to attend the Yandara Yoga Institute for Teacher Training. Since then I have also become a certified yoga nidra guide and an embodied yin teacher. 


I like to think of yoga and meditation as some of my dearest friends. They have my back no matter what. The practice reminds me of an unwavering support I have within. When I step on the mat I feel brave to explore the complexities of being human. It reminds me to hold myself with compassion as I dismantle the armour around my heart. Ultimately for myself it’s a practice of coming home. 


Yoga is a big part of who I am, but I also love the little joys in life like playing board games and cards, the comfort of a coffee, sitting by the water, a glass of red wine (doesn’t it feel like a warm hug?), laughing, spending time with friends and family, trying new recipes, getting into a new tv series, drinking tea with my mom, washing my car with my dad and watching my niece and nephews grow. 


I’m so grateful to be a part of this community and my hope is that I can create a space where you can show up and feel brave to explore yourself too. 





I first found Yoga in a time that felt clouded with dark. It was the medicine that pulled me from anxiety and depression and led me into purpose. Upon moving to Kelowna in 2013, I was introduced to my teacher Meghan Currie, who I studied with in 2014 and 2016, where I gained over 500 hours of experience in Vinyasa and Anusara yoga.


Yoga has been such a transformative + healing gift to my life. It's been a practice that has gifted me with mental clarity and access to my intuition, while empowering me to become my own guide and teacher in this life. Movement has allowed me a vehicle for expression + an ability to connect to myself in a deeper, more holistic way. Through the power of practice, yoga has guided me on a journey of self discovery—aligning me to my deepest truths + inspiring me to be a more compassionate, conscious human.


Other fun facts about me: I love nerding out on books, thrifting, writing words, getting into nature, sippin' oat milk lattes, music, dancing and hanging with my pup Diego. I'm so excited to be on this wild journey with you. I feel honoured to teach and share, and look forward to connecting with you in class!


300 YTT, YOG

Yoga is the longest relationship I’ve ever had. It’s been seventeen years since I found this space to land, to feel, and to heal, and now I truly couldn't imagine my life without it.

I first came to the mat—as many of us do—in the midst of tumultuous change; I was 22 years old, my dad had just died, and I had just dropped out of university from my final year of an economics
degree. I had no idea how to live without him or what I was going to do next.

The space yoga created in my body and heart helped to pull me out of the depths of my grief and breathe life back into me. Yoga became my favorite travel companion and joined me on adventures around the world, opening me up to communities of amazing folks, insights from incredible teachers, and spaces to show up for myself.

While completing my degree in Creative Communications in my hometown of Winnipeg, Manitoba, yoga inspired my final project, a print magazine called Prairie Yogi. After graduation, PY evolved into a digital publication and retreats & events company. Over seven years, we hosted 13 world-class wellness festivals and several retreats, holding space for thousands of curious humans to move, breathe, learn, and grow together.

Somewhere along the way, I felt called to hold space for others as my teachers had done for me. After seven years of being a devoted student, I became a certified instructor in 2013 and have since been helping curious humans breathe more joy and fulfillment into their lives by devoting themselves to their inner work.

It is my life’s work to hold space for others to grieve, heal, and grow. It started with yoga and deepened into meditation, breathwork, the enneagram, energy work, and astrology.

I've learned that you don't move on after life's losses, but if you dare move inward, again and again and again, you can learn to live with grief and, in time, build a joyful life despite it.

My greatest teachers are Mother Nature and my daughter Sky. They inspire me to continue to dedicate my energy to the study of ancient healing wisdom that lies outside mainstream schools of thought, just as my father had done (a professional man who moonlit as an astrologer).

I look forward to connecting with you soon.


200 YTT7, YOG


From the first savasana I was hooked on the way yoga not only helped my physical body become stronger but also my mind. To just come to your mat and clear your mind there's something there..
An interest in movement, muscles and the mind body connection led me to become an RMT. I really love the connection between yoga and massage and how incorporating breath into either can change the experience. I'm a big fan of sharing the love and energy through lots of hands on assists and shoulder squeezes.
On my days off you will find me somewhere outside with my dog or puttering around my garden.





I fell in love with yoga about five years ago during a very stressful season of life, when I realized that my mat had become a place of comfort and solace in the storm.  


I was a total beginner, and I found that moving my body connected me more deeply to myself and helped me to move through the emotional heaviness.  And somehow the things I learned on my mat were coming out the door with me and helping me find more ease physically and emotionally in the day to day.  Now as a teacher, getting to hold such a space for others wherever they are at brings me so much joy.  One of my favourite offerings is Yoga Nidra, a beautiful meditation technique where I guide students into progressively deeper levels of relaxation and connection to themselves.  

Off the mat you can find me trying to keep up with my 6 year old son (oh the energy!), lost in my thoughts, riding my bike, or exploring a deliciously deep topic of conversation with a dear friend/near stranger.  Join me for a practice, a chat, or both :)




Ishta Devi is a trauma focused therapeutic counsellor, yoga teacher, clinical hypnotherapist, artist and entrepreneur with over 900 hours of YTT. Ishta started her journey on the path of yoga in 1995 in the Iyengar lineage and then acquired training in the Kripalu and Anusura inspired approaches. Ishta started teaching yoga in 2004 and since then her desire to learn more brought her to India where she spent 6 months sitting at the feet of gurus and masters in the yoga and vedic lineages.

Ishta is obsessed with wellness and is devoted to her values of health, autonomy, freedom, beauty and creativity. Ishta felt called to dive deep into the topic of trauma recovery in her own life and to share her discoveries with the world as part of her life's work and created a trauma recovery method called The Trauma Cleanse. Ishta is the founder of Chai Baba only a few blocks away from OYS and sold the shop in 2008. She still loves to work with herbs and teas as a way to connect with nature, Self and to others.

Ishta's classes are challenging and fun with lots of permission to make it your own practice. She likes to move slow and strong with the breath and hold poses a little longer than comfortable. Ishta is an artist and entrepreneur with many passion projects and this is how she loves to spend her time when she isn't seeing clients, doing yoga, hiking knox, making glorious food or spending quality time with friends and family.

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500hr YTT EST. 2011


I found yoga somewhat "late" in life- I was already in my 30's!  I realized from my first class as a student that my relationship with my mat would be a life long love, commitment and learning path. 


I come from a place of extreme patience in my practice, knowing that my matt is my refuge, my solace, and occasionally my sanity. I've realized that we all heal and grow by the smallest degrees; one breath at a time. 

Yoga has always there for me when I've needed it, emotionally, physically or spiritually - and this knowledge is what constantly reaffirms my desire to seek within to find those places to inquire, play and explore. 


I try to bring these places into my classes : to provide a safe space for each student to seek and find there own connections with mind and body, and to help themselves heal and grow.  I never cease to be amazed by my students, take inspiration from other teachers or learn from my own weaknesses, injuries, joys or successes :) As a busy small business owner, manager, realtor and mom, I truly value every moment spent in our studio-so you hopefully see me here on my mat as much as possible:)


I am excited to be at OYS -  to show up to support our favourite charities, our teachers and to always lead from a place of sharing and care. The lifelong quest to be a student of yoga is what keeps me coming back to teaching, to never stop learning and to always be grateful for this practice and our beautiful community of yogis! 



800 HR YTT , Yoga Teacher Est. 2016


Born and raised in Toronto, I made the move to Kelowna to study at UBCO and graduated with a major in anthropology/minor in psychology. What initially drew me to the practice of yoga was the power of the breath and the strength in the postures. Since then it has grown into a desire to get to know oneself more intimately. For me the practice is a space of self inquiry, a quest for truth and a journey of peeling back the layers of programming imprinted on each of us throughout our lives. It is a practice of remembering and returning to our true nature ~ our highest selves. Whether it’s the inner workings of the mind, the physicality of the body, or the history and culture that is deeply embedded in each of us, I am drawn to exploring the landscape of our being. 

Ultimately, I am a 'wow! look at the moon' & a 'omg, look at the sky' kinda gal, if I were a type of cereal I would be cinnamon toast crunch, and I pride myself on my ability to remember song lyrics from the 90's. Some of my favourite things include: swimming in the rain, pink skies in the morning, red skies at night, dance parties (solo or with friends), long hugs, sweating + smiling, doing things that scare me, road trips, and bluebird days. You will often find me enjoying an oat milk cappuccino while petting cute pups at coffee shops, taking frequent lake dips, and smiling really wide while riding my bikes all around.





I came into yoga later in life, at a time that was filled with stress and disease. I finally found something that helped with coping and could also ground and energize myself. I was drawn to yoga initially for the emotional release; to ease pain and discomfort. I was able to give myself strength and trust where I was going, on and off the mat. Yoga helped me through the toughest of times in life and I fell in love with the practice. I was able to find a new physical and mental strength and I wanted to help others  in their day to day knowing how it’s helped me.

I have a love for travelling and experiencing life as the locals do. I’ve taken yoga with me through Thailand and Bali, as well as Vietnam and Mexico. When I’m not practicing, I’m with my family playing games, camping, or kayaking.

I invite all levels of yogis to practice with me, as we were all beginners once. I want to assist everyone that comes to yoga to find their own practice and help them feel confident and ease within themselves. I am super excited to get to know each and every one of you a little bit better! :)






Being introduced to yoga was the most beautiful gift I could have ever received. It has guided me into a deeper awareness of my soul and my truth. Yoga to me is this magical medicine that can guide us to where we need to be, and to bring in teachings of that which we need to learn, whether that is on or off the mat. I began teaching in 2016 and received my 500 hour training in 2019.
My heart lies within the energetic and spiritual teachings of yoga but also, if you have taken my class, you'll probably know I also love getting creative with my sequencing and trying new things. Teaching in this way feels like an art and I love being able to find new ways to express and move and to share that in my class! But, besides yoga I do enjoy other things!

You can catch me with my daily dose of caffeine or enjoying a cool cider in the sunshine ;)
I pretty much enjoy anything that is outdoors- hiking, beaches, biking, gardening, camping, snowboarding (yes, I am one of the ones that actually enjoys the snow!).
I love learning about plants (I definitely have my hands full at home with those) and I also love learning about astrology, tarot, and crystals...basically any metaphysical type arts. I often also spend my time in the park doing acro yoga or spend time at home practicing guitar. Besides that, just a girl that enjoys her time with friends and family!
Hope to see you on the mat.

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I am a lifelong learner. I have always found if you look a little deeper, you can find intricate beauty in everything around you. This practice of curiosity led me to yoga and sound healing. When I first started doing yoga, I really enjoyed the way yoga lets you see yourself from the inside out. I started learning about different kinds of yoga, and different practices. As someone who grew up as a musician, I was very drawn to chanting, mantra, and the ways that music and sound can depend and enrich those practices. I went to school in San Francisco to study Sound Healing with the many masters at the Globe Sound Institute to take my understanding and practices to a deeper level. Since then I’ve been sharing what I’ve learned and helping people learn how to use sound and their voices to create inner peace and connection.

I love to play music. I spend most of my days writing, practicing, or teaching music to my private students. I take my dog Koomba for walks around the stunningly beautiful backdrop of the Okanagan. I love calm mornings with home made coffee, a great book, and learning something new.

I am so excited to be a part of the OYS team, and to have a chance to learn and grow alongside my community.




Miles has been a yoga teacher for over a decade now, he first started teaching in a group fitness class setting as a personal trainer where he completed his AcroYoga TT 200hr (Ashtanga based) and a Yoga Fit certification. Since that time he has taught with a number of different YTT's and AYTT's; primarily sharing his knowledge around the physiology and anatomy of Yoga.

Miles has always been curious in diversifying his practice while bringing awareness to the similarities and differences between other styles of connecting to the resonant tone of Love. He believes, as Yoga represents the experience of all things, that blending in aspects of Tai Chi, Dance, Physiology, Circus Arts and other explorative mediums will expand the mind, body and spirit when connecting to the traditional teachings of the different limbs of Yoga.

His classes are bound to be unique and promote those in the class to truly connect into their authentic self, giving his students ample guidance with plenty of room for personal expression.




Ultimately, when I teach yoga I want my students to feel that they have a safe space to move, breathe, feel, and create. 

Everyone who comes to their mat has such an individual and unique story, and therefore a unique practice. 
I want each student to feel that they can come exactly as they are and leave their mat feeling a positive shift. I also LOVE it when we can all share a laugh and inspire one another. 

When I am not in the studio I am working at the hospital as a Respiratory Therapist or running on the trails with my Mexican rescue pups, Shrimp and Tuna. 

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Ian Hawks

I am excited to bring my love for mindfulness and breathwork to OYS! You’ll find me on the schedule guiding breathwork and meditation classes designed to deepen the connection between mind, body, and spirit, and to provide students the opportunity to reset and recalibrate your systems. I will guide gentle meditative explorations, ecstatic big breathing exercises, and weave in simple, applicable tools that can be used on and off the mat to empower students to improve their breathing mechanics and learn to breathe in more functional ways that support nervous system regulation and overall vitality.

I have a strong foundation in Vipassana meditation and am a certified breathwork facilitator, with breathARMY. Our mission at breathARMY is to educate, inspire, and empower people to realize their true potential. We serve to help people break through the stories, limiting beliefs, structures and patterns that hold us back from living and expressing our true potential in the world!

I am also deeply engaged in community work for men. I lead men’s wilderness retreats and facilitate local men’s circles focused on personal growth, honesty, vulnerability, and healing through connection.


Vidya Devi
​200hr+ YTT, YOGA TEACHER EST 2014

MY yoga journey initially began in 2009 as a casual practice with like-mindedindividuals. By 2016, my passion for yoga grew exponentially. I set sail towards the
Bahamas to fully delve into my 200 hr YTT at the Sivananda Yoga Vidanta Centre. This sacred community became a second home and a place of deep healing for me. Through yoga, I have begun to ascend above my mental, emotional and physical inner battles. Most importantly, it gave me the tools to progress the healing of past trauma. Today I, this starry-eyed soul, continues to grow, sharing my love, knowledge, healing & uplifting energy throughout my teachings.

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